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New York/New Jersey/Connecticut/Massachusetts Branch

The Methodist Girls' High School Old Girls' Association, NY/NJ was founded on Sunday, February 23, 1986 at the residence of Mrs. Rosaline Scott, 360 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238.

The six founding members were:

  • Mrs. Annie May-Parker (nee Roy-Macauley)

  • Mrs. Enid Turner (nee Meyer)

  • Mrs. Rosaline Scott (nee Mends)

  • Ms. Doris Val-Mudge

  • The Late Mrs. Irene Williams (nee George)

  • The Late Ms. Joyce Johnson

At that meeting, an election was held, and the following officers were elected:

  • Mrs. Annie May-Parker (nee Roy-Macauley) - President

  • Mrs. Enid Turner (nee Meyer) - Secretary

  • Mrs. Rosaline Scott (nee Mends) - Treasurer

  • Ms. Doris Val-Mudge - Social Secretary

Other important decisions taken at the meeting were, for a Thanksgiving Service to be held in May, and for membership dues of $10 each month to be paid.

On May 18, 1986, the inaugural Thanksgiving Service was held at the Christ Lutheran Church in New York City. The Late Rev. Dr. Roland Timity, whose late wife was a member of the Old Girls’ Association, in Washington DC Metro Branch, delivered the address. 

The Association changed its name from Methodist Girls’ High School Old Girls’ Association, NY/NJ to Methodist Girls’ High School Alumnae Association NY/NJ.  The Association further changed its name to reflect the membership in the State of Connecticut, Methodist Girls’ High School Alumnae Association, NY/NJ/CT and most recently it, again, changed to reflect the membership of two new members from Massachusetts, Methodist Girls’ High School Alumnae Association, NY/NJ/CT/MA.  The association currently has 21 members.

The Alumnae are grateful to the founders of the Association for the role they have played in motivating old girls from other parts of the world to get together and form Associations to support our alma mater.

Long live the Methodist Girls’ High School Alumnae Association NY/NJ/CT/MA Branch!


Mission Statement

The main purpose of the Methodist Girls’ High School Alumnae Association, NY/NJ/CT/MA Branch is to raise funds for the general welfare of the Methodist Girls’ High School located in Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa.


  • The Association shall assist the school with major projects undertaken by the school to improve and maintain existing buildings and grounds.


  • The Association shall establish a scholarship fund for the benefit of deserving students of the school. These funds shall be administered in close cooperation with the school.


  • The Association shall strive to promote the purpose and objective of the school as embodied in the school’s motto – Honour Before Honours.


How It All Started

In November 1906, Mrs. Rosa Corkson saw the need for ‘old girls’ to keep in touch and assist each other in time of need. Together with six others, they formed the nucleus of the then Wesleyan Girls’ High School (WGHS) Old Girls’ Association. She became its first president and a Mrs. Scotland Dalmas became the first treasurer, a post she held for forty (40) years with distinction.

The alumnae originated the constitution that is still being used, the annual Thanksgiving Service now the Holy Communion held each New Year’s Day. The name of the Association was changed on or about 1932 to the Methodist Old Girls’ Association (MOGA) which is still the official name.

Through the efforts of the founders, old girls became motivated, and formed associations not only in Sierra Leone but also in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Canada.

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